Lisans Tamamlama çalışmalarının yapıldığı şu dönemlerde, Lisans Tamamlama'da seçilecek derslerin belirlenmesinde, Veterinary European Transnational Network for Nursing Education and Training VETNNET (Avrupa Uluslararası Veteriner Hemşire Eğitimi ve Alıştırmaları)
çalışma notlarını gözden geçirmek iyi olabilir. Euro Syllabus (Ders Notları) bize ışık tutabilir. Metnin İçindekiler Kısmından altıntı yapıyorum, geneli hakkında fikir vermesi için ;
General introduction to the syllabus.
I.1. Purpose of the syllabus 7
I.2. Structure of the syllabus 7
I.3. Module overview 8
I.4. Transferable units 8
I.5. Conclusion 8
Chapter 1: Units in the basic training programme. 9
1.1. Receptionist duties 10
1.2. Theatre techniques 11
1.3. Pharmacology 12
1.4. General nursing 13
1.5. Laboratory work 14
1.6. Anatomy and physiology 15
1.7. Reproduction 16
1.8. In patient care and hospital management 17
1.9. First aid 18
1.10. Diagnostic procedures 19
1.11. Structure of the profession and ethics 20
1.12. Occupational hazards, health and safety and care of equipment 21
1.13. Medical nursing and pathology 22
Chapter 2: Practical task lists. 23
2.1. Receptionist duties 24
2.2. Theatre techniques 25
2.3. Pharmacology 26
2.4. General nursing 27
2.5. Laboratory work 28
2.6. Anatomy and physiology 29
2.7. Reproduction 30
2.8. In patient care and hospital management 31
2.9. First aid 32
2.10. Diagnostic procedures 33
2.11. Structure of the profession and ethics 34
2.12. Occupational hazards, health and safety and care of equipment 35
2.13. Medical nursing and pathology 36
Chapter 3: Module descriptions. 37
Receptionist duties 38
Theatre techniques 43
Pharmacology 50
General nursing 56
Laboratory work 67
Anatomy and physiology 71
Reproduction 75
In patient care and hospital management 81
First aid 86
Diagnostic procedures 94
Structure of the profession and ethics 100
Occupational hazards, health and safety and care of equipment 107
Medical nursing and pathology. 112
Chapter 4: Worksheets for practical assessment. 115
Receptionist duties 116
Theatre techniques 124
Pharmacology 144
General nursing 148
Laboratory work 154
Anatomy and physiology
Reproduction 162
In patient care and hospital management 166
First aid 174
Diagnostic procedures 186
Structure of the profession and ethics 192
Occupational hazards, health and safety and care of equipment 194
Medical nursing and pathology. 200
Tüm Metne Ulaşmak için : http://www.vetnnet.com/Eurosyllabus.php sayfasından solda "download eurosyllabus" bağlantısına tıklayınız.
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