Etkinliğin Programı Şöyle ;
1. Çevresel etmenler ve kanatlı üretimi
2. Besleme ve yemleme
3. Et ve yumurta kalitesi ve güvenliği
4. Sağlık koruma ve biyogüvenlik
5. Kanatlı hayvan refahı
6. Kuluçka ve embriyoloji
7. Akdeniz ülkelerinde kanatlı üretiminin sosyal ve ekonomik önemi
8. Akdeniz tipi beslenmede fonksiyonel tavuk eti ve yumurtanın önemi
9. Akdeniz ülkelerinde küçük ölçekli ve köy tipi kanatlı yetiştiriciliği
10. Kanatlılarda genetik materyalin korunması
11. Kanatlı konusunda eğitim
2nd. Mediterranean Summit of WPSA
Prospects of World Poultry : A Mediterranean Perspective
On behalf of the Organising Committee and the Turkish branch of the WPSA, I would like to extend to you all a warm invitation to the 2nd Mediterranean Poultry Summit, which will be held in Antalya, Turkey from 4 to 7 October 2009.
After the success of the 1st Mediterranean Poultry Summit in Chalkidiki, Greece, it was decided to hold these meetings on a periodic basis. Thus we will have the honour of not only hosting this summit, but also the opportunity to cement it into a successful series that will provide an international forum for the discussion and exchange of ideas, on all aspects related to poultry in the Mediterranean region.
Scientific Programme ;
1. Environmental changes and poultry production
2. Nutrition
3. Quality and safety of poultry products
4. Avian health and biosecurity
5. Poultry welfare and management
6. Incubation and embryogenesis
7. Social and economic impact of poultry production in the Mediterranean area
8. Importance of functional egg and meat in the Mediterranean diet
9. Small scale and backyard poultry production in the Mediterranean area
10. Genetic conservation of poultry
11. Poultry education
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