Code of Ethics
1. Veterinary technicians shall aid society and animals through providing excellent care and services for animals.
2. Veterinary technicians shall prevent and relieve the suffering of animals.
3. Veterinary technicians shall promote public health by assisting with the control of zoonotic diseases and informing the public about these diseases.
4. Veterinary technicians shall assume accountability for individual professional actions and judgments.
5. Veterinary technicians shall protect confidential information provided by clients.
6. Veterinary technicians shall safeguard the public and the professional against individuals deficient in professional competence or ethics.
7. Veterinary technicians shall assist with efforts to ensure conditions of employment consistent with the excellent care for animals.
8. Veterinary technicians shall remain competent in veterinary technology through commitment to life-long learning.
9. Veterinary technicians shall collaborate with members of the veterinary medical profession in efforts to ensure quality health care services for all animals.